Getting starting with Mesh SubD tool

Mesh SubD parameters

To use this tool first Import mesh. The file should be saved in the obj. file format. The mesh should be modeled in or imported into Rhinoceros 3D or SketchUp and saved as a .obj file from one of these programs. The mesh should be as simple as possible, ideally not exceeding 30 polygons. Avoid elongated mesh triangles (the edge ratio should be approximately from 1:1 to 1:2). The scale should be unit=centimeter. 

NOTE: If you do not see your imported mesh, click on the zoom extents icon in the top right of the model window.

Mesh SubD tool example Low poly mesh
Mesh SubD tool example tessellation 3
Mesh SubD tool example tessellation 2
Mesh SubD tool example tessellation 3

Original imported mesh

Different resulting designs

You can change the geometry of the mesh by adjusting the following parameters: 

Subdivision type – determines the type of smoothing algorithm used (Triangle Laplacian, Triangle Loop or Quad CatmullClark).

Subdivision Types: Triangle Laplacian, Triangle Loop, and Quad Catmull-Clark Smoothing Algorithms

Subdivision levels – increases the density and smoothness of the mesh.

Boundary type – Sharp boundary type leaves the mesh outline the same as in the original imported file, and Smooth boundary smooths the edges of your mesh

Boundary type - lowpoly original
Boundary type - sharp
Boundary type - smooth

Original mesh



Move vertices upward  – increases the shape dynamics by moving the vertices in the direction of the normal.

Attraction percentage – determines how far from the mesh center the vertices will be moved upward when adjusting Move Vertices Upward. This parameter affects the design’s three-dimensionality (Move Vertices Upward should be more than 0 for this parameter to have an effect).

Mesh SubD attraction influence noise

Pattern type – adjusts the line pattern.

Number of bars – sets the number of bars in each field.


Color – sets the paint color. You can use the color picker or enter RGB values.

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