Length and Width – specify the dimensions of the rectangular surface on which the design will be applied.
Tile length and Tile height – define the size of the tiles.
Angle – sets the maximum tile rotation angle, controlling the dynamic effect. A value of 0 makes all tiles parallel to the background, while smaller/larger values increase the variation in rotation angles.
Guide parameters control what tiles have the maximum rotation. Tiles with the maximum rotations are aligned along the guide line, which is controlled by two points – left and right. The imaginary straight line (guide) connecting these two points is where the rotation angles will be maximal:
Guide-height of the left point specifies the height of the point on the left side, expressed as a percentage of the total height. For example, if the value is 0, the point will be at the lower left corner; if the value is 100, it will be at the upper left corner; and if it is 50, it will be in the middle of the left side.
Guide – height of the right point sets the height of the point on the right side in the same manner.
Color spread can be controlled by several parameters:
Color position – this dropdown menu is used to choose the appearance of the color spread. Options include spreading colors from the lower to upper part of the wall, from left to right, or from tiles with maximum rotation angles to tiles with minimum rotation angles.
Color distribution – Controls how far Tile material 1 spreads from the starting line. A value of 0 will make all or most tiles consist of Tile material 1. Higher values will increase the percentage of Tile material 2 and result in a larger spread.
Random seed – introduces variations in color spread without affecting the color distribution and position values.
Tilt tile design can be made interesting by arranging two different materials.
Tile material 1 – this material will be used for the tiles closest to the tiles with maximal rotation, which will be on the bottom or on the left (depending on the Color Position parameter) and Tile material 2 used for the tiles on the opposite sides. For a single-color design, select the same material for both Tile material 1 and Tile material 2.
Background panel visibility – background can be turned on or off for better visualization.
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